Archive for the ‘study tips’ Category


Here are some exam tips from the level 8 students:

  • Remember to go to bed early the night before your exam
  • Try to do your best in the exam
  • Write study notes when you revise for the exam
  • Study new vocabulary to help you in the exam
  • Arrive at the exam hall early
  • Read the questions in the exam carefully
  • Bring your ID and switch your phone off during the exam
  • Don’t cheat and look at your friend’s exam paper
  • Don’t be nervous for the speaking exam, try to relax
  • Raise your hand in the examination if you have any questions

By  Aysha, Ghadeer, Rawda, Jawaher and Shaikha

Welcome back Ladies!

Here is some useful IELTS information for you!

09.01.14 Common IELTS Speaking and Writing Topics

Here at, we believe the best way to score highly at the speaking and writing tasks of IELTS is to develop a bank of answers for commonly asked questions. Some of these topics come up more often in the speaking; others in the writing. However, the knowledge for both is the same. Here is a list of common topics from 2012 and 2013. We have omitted topics which you will see in Cambridge books 1-3 as they are no longer asked today.

1. Advertising: your favourite advert. An advert you remember as a child. An advert that influenced you to buy something. The morality of advertising, particularly in relation to children.

2. Customs and culture: the decline of traditional customs. Are cultures becoming more alike? The impact of computers/technology on culture; the impact of tourism on host countries.

3. Crime: much less common now but still asked. Views on…

View original post 455 more words

For the LOTc classes A5 and B5 have been enjoying watching Mr Tony Hart (Famous artist from UK)

The aim of these LOTc lessons were to introduce and develop students to artistic skills.

They watched Tony Hart draw a variety of different pictures. They listened to instructions

and produced the pictures. Here is a selection of our students drawings.

They learned 10 new words every lesson and enjoyed producing the colorful pictures showing off their artistic flair.

Ms Zahida

photo 13

photo 5      photo 7

photo 8      photo 11

photo 1      photo 2

photo 3      photo 4

photo 6      photo 15

photo 9      photo 10 photo 12      photo 14



I’m Hessa Alnuaimi, I just ended up getting a overall band of “5”  in academic IELTS, and I’m happy to share the IELTS tips with you.

1-  You might think guessing in the exam is much easier than studying the four difficult skills. However, if you want to get band “5” and more in this international exam you should study very hard.

2- In IELTS listening and reading you should get 16 out of 40 answers correct. About listening you have to practice a lot to know each accent and learn to catch the word as fast as you can because you only hear it once. Also you have to learn new vocabulary because if you have wrong spelling it counts as a mistake. Furthermore, you have to know how to skim and scan for the reading tasks.

I hope this will help you. It helped me to get band “5”.

IELTS Resources

Posted: November 17, 2013 by zoeydeen in IELTS, study tips
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Here are some very useful IELTS resources for you. Click on the links below!

IELTS Academic Reading marking schemes

How to Answer Reading Questions in the IELTS exam
